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tanalmadyk meşhur

Telekeçiligiň altyn kanuny — Golden Rule of Entrepreneurship

1 minut alar

Amazon — “Dükana gitmek islämok”.

Google — “Bu maglumatlary nireden tapmalydygyny bilemok”.

Uber / Lyft / Bolt — “Maşyn sürmäge wagtym ýok we taksiler gaty erbet”.

Makdonalds / Burger King — “Restoranda durmaga ýa-da nahar bişirmäge wagtym ýok”.

Netflix — “kabel teleýaýlymy gaty erbet we hemme ýerde halaýan zatlarymy göresim gelýär”.

Spotify — “radio gaty erbet we islendik ýerde halaýan sazymy diňlemek isleýärin”.

Bir kärhana gurmak isleseňiz, bir mesele tapyň we ony beýlekilerden has gowy çözüň.


Amazon — “I don’t want to go to the store”.

Google — “I don’t know where to find this information”.

Uber/Lyft/Bolt — “I don’t have time to drive and cabs are just too bad”.

McDonald’s/Burger King — “I don’t have time to cook or stop at a restaurant”.

Netflix — “cable TV is too bad and I want to watch the stuff I love everywhere”.

Spotify — “radio is too bad and I want to listen to the music I love anywhere”.

If you want to build a business, find a problem and solve it better than anyone else.

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